Tainted Lionheart is Readers’ Favorite 2021 Gold Medal Winner

tainted lionheart christine weimer galaxy publications poetry for women

We are so proud to announce that Our Galaxy Publishing’s co-founder and Editor-in-Chief, Christine Weimer, is Readers’ Favorite’s 2021 Gold Medal Winner for her poetry collection, Tainted Lionheart: Book I, in the Romance/Love Poetry genre. 

Read her press release on BookRewards.com.

About Tainted Lionheart

“…though I am known to cause fires, I refuse to waste my blaze on you. I forgive you because I will not burn to ash for you….”

Tainted Lionheart is a collection that speaks from the perspective of understanding pain as a natural part of the process of healing. Through hard-hitting poetics and raw, honest verses, Christine Weimer openly discusses questions of worthiness and coping with betrayal in a way that dismantles every idea and trope of what it means to experience heartache. Broken into three sections, this book takes you on a journey through the bruising and brooding of pain–and the progression to which you breathe through it. It speaks to a vast audience in the representation of the mess-to-mending of the heart. It is the first of a three-part poetic series.

Praise for Tainted Lionheart

“There is nothing more eloquent than an impressive debut collection to announce to the world that a poet is born, and I believe that this time I have found one. Tainted Lionheart, Christine Weimer’s first collection of poems, is among the best works I have ever read.” –Astrid Iustulin

“To put how moved I was reading the work of Christine Weimer into perspective, Tainted Lionheart is the 418th book I have reviewed. This collection of poetry is the most poignant, most touching, most profoundly raw I have read in a very, very long time.” –Asher Syed

“Tainted Lionheart by Christine Weimer is a thought-provoking, gut-punching, and raw collection of over ninety types of poems and poetry that immediately makes you pause and go inward.” –Vernita Naylor

tainted lionheart christine weimer galaxy publications poetry for women

About Christine Weimer

Christine Weimer is an award-winning poet, three-time author, and publishing advisor from Queens, New York. Armed with an MFA in English and a BA in Creative Writing, she co-founded Our Galaxy Publishing in 2020, an educational and service-based platform for aspiring writers, which she owns and operates today. Christine acts as a mentor and guiding post for writers as they pursue their creative venture in the driver's seat, combining both literary insight and an entrepreneurial mindset to offer them the tools and services they need.

In 2022, Christine spearheaded Our Galaxy’s inaugural multi-genre anthology, Venus Rising: Musings & Lore from Women Writers. Additionally, she boasts authorship of three poetry collections: Tainted Lionheart, I Got to Know Nature, and Claiming the Throne.

Her recent works have found homes in various anthologies and literary magazines, including The Order of Us, Sunflower Station Press, and The Scene: A New Zine. She’s also been a contributing writer for Her View From Home. Beyond her written endeavors, Christine serves as the Publishing Advisor for Gearing Towards Engineering Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the importance of STEM education among today's youth.

Christine can predominantly be found sharing her introspections as they ebb and flow on her Instagram at @amindfulwriter or her website. If she ever goes missing, one might find her in the crevices of Washington Square Park—just look for the disheveled lady with a toddler in tow.

Are you an aspiring author? Our Galaxy Publishing Wants to Help You Publish a Book

Our Galaxy Publishing is an all-in-one solution for aspiring authors, offering them the education, tools, and resources they need to write, edit, publish, design, and market their books. We assist authors at all levels of their publishing journey, whether they’re looking for a literary agent to traditionally publish, are going all-in on their self-publishing venture, or are unsure of which book publishing path to take. We are a service-based platform, meaning all the creative power stays in the writers’ hands. No long-term agreements or contracts, no splitting royalties, and no sharing of your intellectual property. You tell us your aspirations and goals, and we’ll guide you to making them happen through our publishing services and author workshops.

Are you a woman-identifying BIPOC writer or author?

We recognize the disparities in the publishing landscape, from the inequity of opportunities to the misrepresentation of marginalized communities in literature. As part of our initiative to support the amplification of diverse voices in literature and publishing, we offer 10% off of our services to all women-identifying BIPOC writers. Your story, both your personal one and the one you've written, deserves to be at the forefront.


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